Animal Fibers!

Welcome to the mesmerizing world of fibers and the roles they play in this art form. Their job is to bind together and in doing so imbue a piece of artwork with sensational beauty, and strength. Softer fibers are luxurious and the courser ones provide extra durability.

Wool fibers are measured in microns and staple length. The lower the micron the finer the fiber. That micron measurement will impact the performance of the fabric that is created. The staple length also impacts how the fiber will perform. This in turn determines what artists make from the fiber or how we combine them. There are also many different types of wool based on the breed of sheep. Not only are there sheep to consider, but an artist may use other animal fibers as well (i.e. Alpaca, camel, yak, horse hair, etc.)

Some fibers especially shorter, crimpy, coarser ones tend to lend themselves better to making dense, firm, strong structures. Longer fibers lend themselves to making a potentially dense (depending on how much is used), more drapey, yet very strong fabric.

The fibers interlock from agitation because they have microscopic scales. The artist can apply pressure, heat, impact, or any form of agitation to cause them to bind. The trick is knowing how much agitation, what type, and when in the process to apply it in the method of making the art, fabric, etc. The 3 main forms of agitation are via needling, wetting, or dry felting the fibers together. When fabrics are incorporated into a wet felted piece, the process is called “Nuno felting”. Sometimes pieces are all three to create the desired design.

Many other fibers can be incorporated all lending their own attributes.  Fiber artists use exotics and others for these attributes - sheen, drape, texture, etc. Felting is an ancient art and is making a resurgence around the world. It is said to have predated weaving.

Luxurious & Sustainable!

Manmade fibers don’t felt because they don’t have scales. Animal fibers do (think the cuticles on human hair). So, to incorporate manmade fibers, animal fibers are necessary.

The silk measuring unit is known as a momme. The momme determines how tightly woven the silk is and this determines the weight aka the momme. These fibers lend incredible sheen and will allow the end piece to be lighter as it acts as a scaffold for the wool.

Bamboo Top is a versatile and sustainable plant-based fiber. It is created from the harvesting of the Bamboo plant. Once the natural enzymes break down the wood fibers they are then combed out and spun into a top, yarn, or fabric.

Viscose is made from tree wood pulp, like beech, pine, and eucalyptus, and can also be made from bamboo.

You might be surprised that only thin, wispy pieces of wool can anchor any of these down to a piece and create a very light yet very strong fabric.

They are all smooth, delicate fibers that add lots of sheen to a felted project. They all create wonderfully shiny design elements and a light airy drape.

Recycled sari’s (or saree’s if you prefer), yarns, threads, beads, etc. are often used to create texture, add design patterns, and increase the overall interest of a piece.

I hope you found this useful in understanding this art form and what goes into what you receive when ordering your “ewenique” felted treasure from The Gleeful Ewe.



and Embellishments,

Oh My!

Wool, Silk, and Embellishments, Oh My!

My Promise

dmc threads from France and the USA

Eco and Environmentally Friendly

My pieces are created from fibers that are not treated with harsh or toxic chemicals during processing before I receive them. Once in my care I only use pure hard-milled French olive oil soap, water, a 5% distilled vinegar to remove the soap and essential oils on all wet-felted pieces.


I source my fiber materials from a company that sources its fibers from select sustainable, humane farms whether they be in the USA or abroad. I try to source all other fibers & embellishments from reputable companies to ensure quality and best business practices.


If you experience anything less than 100% satisfaction I will work with you to make it right.


All of my creations are meticulously hand-crafted and backed with support and care for your felted treasure.

My Story of the road to The Gleeful Ewe

Click My Story

Noelle Russow at The Gleeful Ewe

Read how The Gleeful Ewe got started, its evolution, and my artist bio.

wool dryers balls

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